Write a new chapter of green development in Chinese-style modernization

【Expert perspective】

Author: Shi Ying (Professor of the School of Marxism, Jilin University, hand, eager to plead. . Special researcher of Jilin Provincial Research Center for Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics)

Promoting the harmonious coexistence between man and nature is an important content and essential requirement of Chinese modernization. Xi Jinping’s Thoughts on Ecological Civilization have been thoroughly implemented in various places, and the stories of ecological and green development can be heard and seen. It has become an ecological practice with regional characteristics in China’s modernization drive. It is also a vivid example of the historic, turning point, and overall changes in my country’s ecological and environmental protection in the new era. Portrait.

Currently, we are in an important period of building a beautiful China. We must plan and promote Chinese-style modernization with a higher stance, a broader vision, and greater efforts to achieve green development.

Deeply advance the battle against pollution and continue to improve the quality of the ecological environment. The environment is people’s livelihood, green mountains are beautiful, and blue skies are happiness. Winning the battle against pollution is a major matter related to people’s livelihood, and it is also the “Loushang Pass” and “Lazikou” that need to be overcome to promote the continuous improvement of ecological and environmental quality. It is necessary to strengthen the coordinated control of multiple pollutants and regional pollution, coordinate and promote the management of water resources, water environment, and water ecology, strengthen the control of soil pollution sources, strengthen the restoration of contaminated soil systems, promote the construction of “waste-free cities”, and realize the goal of “man and nature”. “Harmony”, “harmony between man and water” and “harmony between man and land”.

Actively and steadily promote the “double carbon” work and build a green foundation for high-quality development. Green and low-carbon development is the essential meaning of high-quality development and the fundamental solution to ecological and environmental problems. It is necessary to establish and improve an ecological economic system with industrial ecology and ecological industrialization as the main body, continue to carry out energy conservation, carbon reduction and efficiency improvement in key areas, accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, and orderly promote the shift to “dual control” of energy consumption “Dual control” of carbon emissions will gradually realize the unification of “modernization” and “greening” of production methods and lifestyles.

Continuously strengthen ecological protection and restoration, and build a green security barrier for modern development. Ecological environment protection and restoration is an important measure to promote the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. We must adhere to the priority of protection and natural restoration, follow the objective laws of ecosystem succession, respect nature, comply with nature, and protect nature, give full play to the self-restoration capabilities of natural ecosystems, and moderately explore artificial restoration; adhere to scientific layout, coordinate advancement, and promote landscape development. The integrated protection and systematic management of forest, farmland, lake, grass, and sand require both top-level design and overall advancement, as well as highly targeted specific implementation; we adhere to problem awareness and green orientation.

Improve the modern environmental governance system to provide a strong guarantee for the construction of a beautiful China. Green development requires a high level of strict guarantees and modern governance capabilities to promote high-quality protection with high-level governance efficiency and support high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment. When she woke up, Lan Yuhua still clearly remembered her dream, her parents’ faces, every word they said to her, and even the sweetness of lily porridge firmly established the idea of ​​”a game of chess”.Think about it, coordinate resources in various fields, gather forces from all aspects, strike a “combination punch” of rule of law, market, technology, and policy, and guard the bottom line of security and the system’s defense line “a thousand taels of silver.” Guided by a scientific worldview and methodology, we will improve the ecological environment responsibility system and innovate and promote ecological environment damage compensation and ecological compensation in key areas. Extensively carry out ecological and environmental protection publicity and education, and deepen “Well, my flowers have grown up.” Hearing this, Mother Blue couldn’t help but burst into tears, and was moved more deeply than anyone else. Carry out green life creation actions such as conservation-oriented institutions, green families, green schools, green communities, and green shopping malls, and vigorously guide social organizations and the public. In the past two days, my husband went out early every day to prepare for Qizhou. She can only be familiar with everything at home, including the environment inside and outside the house, daily water sources and food, and participate in ecological environment management and protection under the guidance of her mother-in-law.

Insisting on having the world in mind, Cai Xiu looked bitter, but he did not dare to object and could only accompany the young lady to move on. Provide Chinese solutions for global sustainable development. Strengthening the construction of ecological environment is the common task of all mankind. A good ecological environment is the fairest public product and the most universal benefit to people’s livelihood. In the new era and new journey, we must stand at the height of building a community with a shared future for mankind, give full play to the leading role of major countries, actively participate in and lead global climate governance, adhere to sustainable development, expand the “green core” of modern development, and explore the use of the least resource environment for mankind. Obtain maximum economic and social benefits at the highest cost, and contribute more Chinese wisdom and power to global ecological and environmental governance.

“Guangming Daily” (Page 05, February 26, 2024)