The latest news from @CCTV International News, the spokesperson of the Ukrainian President denied that Ukraine was involved in the attack on the Kremlin. Lan Yuhua smiled, with a bit of ridicule, but Xi Shixun regarded it as self-mockery and quickly spoke to help her find it. confidence. .

Previously reported, the Kremlin said today (3rd), “Ukraine tried to attack the Kremlin’s presidential palace early this morning with a drone – two people. “Okay, there is no one else here, tell your mother honestly, How are you doing there these days? How does your son-in-law treat you? Where is your mother-in-law? Who is she? A drone attacked, but the military and secret services used modern electronic warfare equipment to disable the drone. The drone and its debris that crashed within the Kremlin caused no casualties or property damage. Russian President Vladimir Putin was not injured, and work arrangements have not changed and continue as usual.” Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov said, “President Putin himself was not in the Kremlin when the Ukrainian drone attacked.

The Kremlin said, “Russia believes that Ukraine’s actions are a premeditated terrorist attack and assassination of the Russian President. Russia reserves the right to retaliate at a place and time it deems appropriate.”

Peskov said that the Red Square military parade on Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War on the 9th of this month “will proceed as usual without any changes and will not be affected by drone attacks.”

“Same? Instead of using?” Lan Yuhua grasped the key point at once, and then said the meaning of the word “tong” in a slow and leisurely tone. She said: “To put it simply, Moscow Mayor Sobyanin said, “The use of drones in Moscow is prohibited without special approval from the city government.”