The great tide of a thousand years and one river丨Shanxi and Shaanxi jointly drew a new blueprint for Hukou Waterfall and continued to write a new chapter of “The Goodness of Qin and Jin”

Yellow River News Network (Reporter Sun Yujia) In the vast territory of China, the Yellow River, with its majestic momentum and long history, gave birth to Chinese civilization and witnessed countless magnificent events. Chapter. In the middle reaches of the Yellow River, Hukou Waterfall has become a link connecting Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces with its unique natural landscape and profound cultural heritage. It is also a model for the integrated development of culture and tourism in the two provinces. In recent years, Shanxi and Shaanxi have worked hand in hand to jointly promote the Hukou Waterfall Tourist Area to become a 5A-level scenic spot for cross-provincial cooperation through a series of innovative measures, opening a new chapter in the integrated development of culture and tourism.

Join hands to create, cross-provincial cooperation forges the “fate of Qin and Jin”

Yellow River Pot Kou Waterfall, as the second largest waterfall in China, is famous for its spectacular scene of “a thousand miles of Yellow River is collected in one pot”. This natural wonder is located at the junction of Ji County, Shanxi Province and Yichuan County, Shaanxi Province. It is a shining pearl in the Qinjin Grand Canyon. However, for a long time, due to the existence of geographical boundaries, the two provinces have worked independently on the development and utilization of Hukou Waterfall, making it difficult to form a joint force.

The picture shows the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall tourist area in Ji County, Shanxi.

In order to break this situation, Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces actively responded to the call of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and jointly promoted the process of creating a 5A-level scenic spot in the Hukou Waterfall Tourist Area. . By establishing mechanisms such as “five major unifications”, namely unified ticket prices, unified scenic spot names, unified place name formats, unified LOGOs, and unified production of panoramas and guide maps, the two provinces have achieved the simultaneous creation of Hukou Waterfall tourism development. This initiative not only pioneered the simultaneous creation of 5A-level tourist attractions across provinces, but also provided valuable experience for cultural and tourism cooperation in other regions across the country.

The picture shows Shaanxi. After an unknown amount of time, the tears finally subsided. She felt him gently let go of her, and then said to her: “It’s time for me to go.” Yichuan Yellow River PotWaterfall tourist area.

Culture is the soul and tourism is the body, promoting the deep integration of culture and tourism

Culture is tourism Tourism is the carrier of culture. In the process of promoting the integrated development of culture and tourism in the Hukou Waterfall tourist area, Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces have deeply explored the connotation of Yellow River culture, closely integrated cultural inheritance and tourism development, and created a series of cultural tourism projects with local characteristics.

On the Shanxi side, “Ahem, it’s nothing.” Pei Yi woke up with a start, his face flushed, but his dark skin could not be seen. The Yellow River Hukou Waterfall tourist area in Ji County is built around infrastructure. “You fell in love with someone so quickly?” Mother Pei asked slowly, looking at her son with a half-smile. The tourism industry, service quality, tourism environment and other aspects have been greatly improved. The renovated visitor center, entrance and exit of the waterfall viewing area, and 3A-level tourist toilets have been improved to provide tourists with a more convenient and comfortable travel experience. At the same time, the scenic spot also actively explores the cultural connotation of special food such as Yellow River carp, Yellow River steamed buns, and Yellow River noodles, so that tourists can understand the local food culture while tasting delicious food.

The picture shows the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall tourist area in Ji County, Shanxi.

On the Shaanxi side, the Hukou Waterfall Tourist Area not only retains the traditional natural landscape, but also adds the ancient ferry town, Shaanxi Travel Yunshang· Featured cultural tourism experience projects include Waterfall Boat Hotel, Geological Museum, Jiuqu Yellow River Roaming Hall, and Hukou Curtain Cinema. These projects not only enrich the tourist content, but also improve the overall quality of the tourist area. At the same time, through projects such as the live performance “Yellow River Cantata”, the Yellow River culture is presented to tourists in a vivid way, allowing tourists to feel the unique charm of the Yellow River culture while enjoying the natural beauty.

Innovation-driven, cultural and tourism integration explores new paths

In promoting the integrated development of culture and tourism In the process, Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces continued to innovate ideas and explored a new path suitable for their own development.

On the one hand, the two provinces focus on technology empowering the cultural tourism industry. By introducing modern technological means, such as virtual reality (VR), the new room is enhanced with a burst of banter and banter. Reality (AR), etc., to provide tourists with a more immersive travel experience. For example, the Hukou Curtain Cinema in the Hukou Waterfall Tourist Area uses advanced projection technology to display the magnificent scenery of the Yellow River in front of tourists in a shocking way.

The picture shows the Hukou Curtain Cinema in the Hukou Waterfall Tourist Area of ​​the Yellow River in Yichuan, Shaanxi Province.

On the other hand, the two provinces also focus on the cross-border integration of the cultural tourism industry. Through models such as “cultural tourism + intangible cultural heritage”, “cultural tourism + technology”, “cultural tourism + rural” and “cultural tourism + education”, we continue to expand the cultural tourism industry. Hearing the words, Lan Yuhua couldn’t help but look unnatural, and then lowered her head. The eyes look at the nose, and the nose looks at the heart. industry boundaries. Around the Hukou Waterfall tourist area, traditional Hukou drum fighting and other intangible cultural heritage items have become beautiful scenery, attracting a large number of tourists to stop and watch. At the same time, the scenic area also further enhances the tourist area by organizing various cultural festivals, study tours and other projects. visibility and influence.

Prioritize ecology and plant a green background for high-quality development

In promoting the integration of culture and tourism In the process of development, Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces have always adhered to the concepts of ecological priority and green development. During the development and construction of the Hukou Waterfall tourist area, the two provinces focused on protecting the ecological environment and the integrity of the natural landscape, and avoiding over-development and destructive construction. By implementing a series of ecological protection measures and restoration projects, the sustainable development of the tourist area is ensured.

The picture shows the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall tourist area in Ji County, Shanxi.

At the same time, the two provinces also focus on promoting the concept of green tourism and advocating low-carbon and environmentally friendly tourism methods. PassBy promoting electronic tickets, using environmentally friendly materials, and strengthening garbage classification, the impact and damage to the environment has been reduced. These efforts not only improve the environmental quality of tourist areas, but also provide tourists with a healthier and more comfortable tourism environment.

The picture shows the Hukou Waterfall tourist area on the Yellow River in Yichuan, Shaanxi.

The Hukou Waterfall tourist area on the bank of the Yellow River is the epitome of the integrated development of culture and tourism in Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces. Through measures such as working together to create, culture as the soul, innovation-driven and ecological priority, Shanxi and Shaanxi have jointly drawn a new blueprint for the integrated development of culture and tourism. It is believed that in the future, as the cooperation between the two provinces continues to deepen and expand, the Hukou Waterfall Tourist Area will also become an important window to showcase the results of the integrated development of China’s culture and tourism, telling more exciting and vivid stories of the Yellow River to the people of the two provinces.