Tajik scholar: President Xi’s visit will open a new chapter in relations between the two countries

At the invitation of President Emomali Rahmon of the Republic of Tajikistan, President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to Tajikistan. Tajikistan experts and scholars said in interviews with reporters from the main station that the economic cooperation between China and Tajikistan has a long history. China is one of Tajikistan’s main trading partners. The economic cooperation between the two countries has developed rapidly, and the investment volume and bilateral trade volume have continued to grow. I believe that President Xi Jinping’s visit will open a new page for China-Tajikistan relations.

Sharif Rahimzoda, Director of the Institute of Economics and Demography of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan: Currently, China is one of Tajikistan’s major trading partners. There is no doubt that during President Xi’s visit, the two countries will sign new agreements, involving new areas of cooperation, attracting more investment, establishing closer economic cooperation relations, and more enterprises and investment projects will participate in the implementation of the two countries. strategic plan formulated by national leaders. For example, develop digital economy, green economy, and apply digital technology in various fields of the national economy.

Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University Professor Rakhmon Ulimasov: Because of this, Pei Yi nodded seriously, and then apologized to his mother Said: “Mom, this matter seems to be troublesome for you. After all, the child has been away from home for the past six months. I also have some help from China. We finally have a brand new modernization path that meets international standards.” . Ten years ago, it was difficult to imagine that Tajikistan could produce water and cement on its own. She had to help distribute some work, but now with the help of China, we are able to export cement to other countries. , Tajikistan’s mining industry has low production capacity. With the help of Chinese investment, our mining capacity has been greatly improved, which has effectively promoted our country’s economic development. I believe that President Xi Jinping’s visit will open up China-Tajikistan relations. A new page and will determine the development direction of cooperation between China and Tajikistan in the next few decades.