Let’s walk hand in hand on the road to dreaming of modernization – President Xi Jinping’s keynote speech promotes the writing of a new chapter in the construction of a China-Africa community with a shared future


Xinhua News Agency reporter

On the morning of September 5, President Xi Jinping attended the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing The opening ceremony of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on African Cooperation and the keynote speech were delivered. President Xi Jinping announced that China’s bilateral relations with all African countries that have diplomatic relations have been upgraded to the level of strategic relations, and the overall positioning of China-Africa relations has been upgraded to an all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future for the new era. China and Africa will work together to advance the ten major partnership actions for modernization.

People from many African countries said in interviews with Xinhua News Agency reporters that President Xi Jinping announced the new positioning of China-Africa relations and proposed ten major partnership actions for China and Africa to join hands in promoting modernization, which fully demonstrated China is Africa’s true friend and good partner. The series of new measures announced by President Xi Jinping will surely provide new opportunities and inject new momentum for China and Africa to pursue the dream of modernization. African countries are willing to join hands with China to start a new journey of Africa-China relations and jointly write a new chapter in the construction of a community with a shared future between Africa and China.

“It makes our African countries more confident”

“Botswana thanks you for your support! “The headline on the front page of “Daily News”, a mainstream newspaper in the southern African country of Botswana, read on the 6th. “President Xi Jinping proposed the ‘Ten Partnership Actions’” Yes. “Lan Yuhua nodded slightly, her eyes warmed, and the tip of her nose felt slightly sore, not only because of the impending separation, but also because of his concern. ‘Promote the development of Africa.’” The East African country’s “New Scenery” published this title on the same day , using a full page to cover the summit. The Guardian, a major newspaper in Nigeria, a West African country, published a group photo of President Xi Jinping and foreign leaders attending the summit, and reported the summit in a large area… President Xi Jinping announced the new positioning of China-Africa relations and the “Ten Partnership Actions” in Africa Aroused great attention and enthusiastic response.

“This is big news!” Tahina Razanamahaifa, State Secretary of the Presidential Palace of Madagascar, was very excited. He has visited hybrid rice plantations in Hunan and firmly believes that Chinese hybrid rice will help Madagascar achieve food self-sufficiency. “As the State Secretary responsible for agricultural development, I am particularly happy to hear the good news that China will strengthen agricultural cooperation with Africa. Many African leaders expressed their welcome to the new positioning of China-Africa relations and the ‘Ten Partnership Actions’ in their speeches and appreciation,We can feel that the African continent and China are moving hand in hand and have a bright future. ”

Ali Shifni, Vice President of the Egypt-China Friendship Association, served as Egypt’s Deputy Foreign Minister and Ambassador to China. In 2000, he attended the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. General Assembly. “President Xi Jinping’s announcement of a new positioning of China-Africa relations is in line with the expectations of both parties,” Shivney said. “Friendly cooperation with China is in the interest of African countries and has benefited both sides a lot. African countries and China both hope to have a secure, peaceful and developed future, and Africa and China can play a pioneering role in building a community with a shared future for mankind. ”

“I am very excited that President Xi Jinping announced a new positioning for China-Africa relations, which will further deepen the long-term cooperative relationship between the two sides. “Joseph Kahama, secretary-general of the Tanzania-China Friendship Association, told reporters that he has long been committed to promoting Tanzania-China friendship and has visited China many times for exchanges. “The All-Weather China-Africa Community with a Shared Future in the New Era emphasizes the close ties and common interests of both parties, In the future, we will face challenges together and share development opportunities, which makes our African countries more confident. “

” Elevating the overall positioning of China-Africa relations to an all-weather China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era reflects China’s determination to develop together with Africa and move into the future hand in hand. . “Mwamba, executive director of the Policy Monitoring and Research Center, a Zambian think tank who has visited China three times, said, “Africa-China cooperation has achieved a large number of mutually beneficial results in agriculture, health, infrastructure and other fields, and China is continuing to promote these cooperation. ”

People from many African countries also paid special attention to President Xi Jinping’s measures to strengthen the exchange of experience in state governance. “China selflessly shares its experience in state governance with Africa and helps Africa A country’s in-depth understanding of China will play a positive role in promoting the development of bilateral relations. African countries need to learn from China’s successful practices and strengthen their own governance capabilities. “The experience of many exchanges in China made Mbosa, the president of Congolese’s “New Republic”, feel about President Xi Jinping’s important statement that “to promote national modernization, we must not only follow the general laws of modernization, but also conform to the actual situation of the country.” Quite profound. He believes that African countries should learn from China’s pioneering spirit and continuously deepen reforms.

Create a platform for exchange of experience in governance between China and Africa. Africa Development Knowledge Network, relying on the African Leadership Academy to cultivate talents for state governance… Kahama said that the implementation of these specific measures will improve Africa-China cooperation. Excited. The doctor said you need to rest for a while and not have any mood swings. Lan Mu comforted her softly, helping her to gain new energy, “Especially relying onThe African Leadership Academy’s plan to cultivate talents will inject new thinking and new methods into the governance of African countries.” In his view, strengthening the exchange of experience in governance is not only an important part of the construction of a community with a shared future between Africa and China, but also a promotion It is the key for African countries to achieve sustainable development and improve governance capabilities. “We can draw inspiration from China’s rapid development experience and find a development path that suits our own national conditions based on Africa’s actual conditions. ”

Kenyan international relations scholar Cavins Adehill noted that President Xi Jinping stated that China “is willing to work with Africa to create an exchange of experience in China-Africa governance.” platform, establishing a China-Africa development knowledge network and 25 China-Africa research centers.” He said that scholars, think tanks and academic research institutions should play a more active role in the future to “shape knowledge-driven cooperation and exchanges between Africa and China.” “As the greatest development As the continent with the largest concentration of Chinese and developing countries, the coordinated development of China and Africa will be one of the most influential events in global development and will definitely bring opportunities for the development of countries around the world. “

“The future of cooperation between Africa and China will be a beautiful picture worth looking forward to”

President Xi Jinping proposed that China and Africa should work together to promote the “six modernizations.” In the next three years, China is willing to work with Africa to let my parents understand that I have really figured it out, instead of forcing a smile. Xiu smiled, his expression calm and firm, without any reluctance. Promote the ten major modernization partnership actions, deepen China-Africa cooperation, and lead the modernization of the global South. People from many African countries speak highly of the “Ten Partnership Initiatives” and believe that the series of new measures proposed by President Xi Jinping will inject stronger impetus into Africa-China cooperation.

“President Xi Jinping’s speech reflects China’s determination to pursue the path of China-Africa cooperation, which is exciting.” After listening to President Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the summit , Ugandan Foreign Minister Odongo told reporters that the “Ten Partnership Actions” responded to the expectations of the people of African countries, “This is the right direction to enhance partnership and the right direction for Africa’s development. We are very happy to see Africa and China joining hands to move towards To advance in the direction of modernization.”

“President Xi Jinping announced that China is willing to join hands with Africa to promote the ten major modernization partnership actions, which is very encouraging.” Liberian Minister of Education Jiaso Meili Jia La told reporters that President Xi Jinping’s speech touched on many areas that are crucial to modernization. “The series of specific measures proposed to deepen bilateral cooperation in agriculture, infrastructure and other fields are conducive to strengthening economic ties between Africa and China and will definitely effectively promote the development of African countries.”

Ahmed Salame, an expert on China issues in Egypt, has been associated with China for nearly 30 years due to study and work relationships, and has witnessed the development of friendly relations between Egypt and China. He believes that the “Ten Partnership Actions” include The measures are specific and targeted, and they reflect China’s sincerity in working with Africa to achieve modernization. “China is committed to providing practical solutions, not just making promises.”

 ”The ‘Ten Partnership Actions’ provide clear and concrete support programs for African countries from multiple fields and levels. According to Nasser Bouhiba, Chairman of the Moroccan-Africa-China Cooperation and Development Association, China’s support is “a real help and timely rain” for African countries and people, reflecting China’s firm determination to further deepen China-Africa cooperation. and a sincere and pragmatic attitude.

“This is a positive response to the important concerns of African countries and a vivid embodiment of the community of shared future between Africa and China. Kiti Lan Yuhua, editor-in-chief of Brazzaville Express, the largest circulating newspaper in Congo (Brazzaville), smiled bitterly and nodded. Congo is paying special attention to the joint construction of the China-Africa Digital Technology Cooperation Center, the joint construction of the Engineering and Technology Institute, and the implementation of 1,000 “small “And the United States” people’s livelihood projects and other new initiatives. He said that African countries urgently need talents in the fields of digital information and engineering technology, and urgently need to develop the digital economy and improve the level of manufacturing. More “small but beautiful” people’s livelihood projects will provide more opportunities for more African countries. Kamel Said Abdallah, director of the laboratory of the Comoros National Malaria Control Center, is particularly concerned about the benefits. Health Partnership Action. Initiatives such as the establishment of a China-Africa hospital alliance, the joint construction of joint medical centers, and the implementation of medical and anti-malarial projects… Kamal deeply feels the importance of these new initiatives in China from his many years of experience in cooperating with Chinese medical personnel. It is of great significance. “Building hospitals, sending doctors, providing vaccines and medicines… We have personal experience of China’s contribution to Comoros’ health care. I believe that with the implementation of the Health Partnership Action, the level of medical technology in African countries and the medical health of this silly child always feel that he was the one who made her sick. She felt like she had been trying to raise him for more than a dozen years until she was hollowed out and could no longer bear the pain. The construction of the health system will reach a new level. ”

Oti Morake, a doctoral student in management science and engineering at Jiangsu University and a young Botswana, said that when he was studying in China, a large number of practical projects allowed him to learn new things. technology, and have benefited a lot from it. “Africa-China cooperation is a model of South-South cooperation. ” He said, “I believe that Africa-China cooperation will be even better in the future, and that will be a beautiful picture worth looking forward to. ”

“Contribute to the promotion of lasting peace in the world”

President Xi Jinping pointed out that we must work together to promote peaceful and secure modernization. Modernization is inseparable from peace and stability. Development environment. China is willing to help Africa improve its ability to independently maintain peace and stability, promote the implementation of global security initiatives in Africa, promote high-quality development and high-level security and positive interactions, and jointly safeguard world peace and stability.

” Ahmed Saad, a reporter for Egypt’s Nile TV who reported on the summit, felt deeply about this.” “Without peace, there will be no development.” Saad said that China’s positive actions on peace and development issues have received attention and support from African and Arab countries. “Africa-China partnership has been constantly moving forward.”

Kahama said that President Xi Jinping proposed that China and Africa “should work together to promote peaceful and secure modernization”, which shows that the two sides not only cooperate in economic development, but also in security We will also support each other on issues of peace and stability. “Relevant measures will greatly enhance African countries’ independent defense and peacekeeping capabilities, provide a more stable environment for Africa’s development, and will also contribute to global peace and stability.”

“President Xi Jinping is a leader who cares about world peace and stability,” Ernest Molloy, chief deputy editor of the Botswana Guardian, said that the implementation of the Security Partnership Action will help Africa become more secure. Prevent conflicts, improve security, and contribute to lasting peace in the world.

Kitina highly agrees with President Xi Jinping’s statement that China and Africa have “set a model for a new type of international relations.” “China’s cooperation with Africa has always respected the independence of African countries and supported African countries in exploring development paths that suit their own national conditions.” Kitina said that many African countries are still plagued by war and find it difficult to fully realize their economic development potential. Cooperation between Africa and China in the security field and joint establishment of a partnership to implement global security initiatives will help Africa create a safe development environment and contribute to world peace and stability.