Fujian: Chasing the dream of deep blue, writing a new chapter of high-quality development of marine economy

Southeast Network reported on July 11 (Southeast Network, “Learning to Strengthen the Country” Fujian Learning Platform Reporter Qian Jiahe, Zheng Yamei and Ou Dongliang)

The blue ocean breeds infinite hope. For thousands of years, Fujian, which stands on the coast of the East China Sea, has never stopped exploring the ocean.

“I have always cared about the ocean.” From Fuzhou, with its long coastline, to Xiamen, a port of “rich country with trade”, to East Fujian, where mountains and seas blend, the places where Comrade Xi Jinping performs his duties in Fujian are all related to the sea. Relatedly, after assuming the leadership of Fujian Province, he even proposed the strategy of “building a strong maritime province”.

July 11th is our country’s 20th Navigation Day. At this time and place, on the same day, the Fujian Provincial Conference on Promoting High-Quality Development of the Marine Economy was held, anchoring the creation of a higher-level “Maritime Fujian” and making forward-looking plans to systematically promote the high-quality development of the marine economy.

Entering a new era, the marine economy has broad prospects. Deeply cultivating the blue land and strengthening the marine economy are the general trend and have greater potential. At present, Fujian is chasing the dream of deep blue and writing a new chapter in the high-quality development of marine economy.


Pingtan Northern Ecological Corridor (photo by Wei Xiong)

Policy-led “Maritime Fujian” construction has strong momentum

When talking about the sea in Fujian, what comes to mind?

Thousands of years ago, ships loaded with Chinese ceramics, silk and tea traveled north and south, passing through the “Maritime Silk Road”. Quanzhou, the “largest port in the East”, opened up an economic and trade scene where “the sound of rising seas aroused the sound of merchants from all over the world”. .

A hundred years ago, the elite shipmanStars are shining brightly – Yan Fu, Sa Zhenbing, Deng Shichang… Fujian Shipbuilding explores the way to national self-improvement and rejuvenation, and carries the historical memory of the Westernization Movement to save the nation.

Nowadays, Fujian relies on its endowment of marine resources, with giant ships shuttling back and forth in its ports, marine equipment chasing the dream of deep blue, island tourism booming “out of the circle”, and constantly exploring and developing “new waterways”.


Fujian has a sea area of ​​136,000 square kilometers, which is 1.1 times the land area; the mainland coastline is 3,752 kilometers long, ranking second in the country. This province, infiltrated by marine civilization, has gone from “sailing” to travel the world to “using the sea” for development. The development momentum of the marine economy is like rolling waves, unstoppable.


Xiapu Xiaohao Beach, Ningde (photo by Fan Jun)

In midsummer, driving through the coastal scenic road in Xiapu County, Ningde City, people are swimming in the paintings.

Colorful tidal flats, sunrises with flowers and bamboos, and sunsets on the east wall. Sansha Town, located in a corner of Xiapu County, has unique tourism resources. As the temperature continues to rise, more and more tourists come here to experience the coastline. “Hot and hot”.

It is understood that the newly built Sansha Town Aquatic Products Distribution Center Port Highway is an important section of the National Highway G228 Coastal Scenic Road, spanning the entire town. It will include Xiaohao Beach, Light and Shadow Plank Road, Dongbi Village, Huahua Zhucun is a chain of beads, constantly accelerating the development of local fishery, sightseeing and tourism.

“The number of tourists in Sansha this year has doubled compared with the same period last year. As of June, it has reached about 2 million people. Nearly 300,000 people came here during the May Day holiday this year.” Member of the Party Committee of Sansha Town , deputy mayor Lan Tingjin shared the joy of smooth roads.

Behind the “explosion” of Sansha Town, we can see the rapid and steady development trend of Fujian’s coastal tourism industry. In 2022, Fujian will start the construction of the Fujian section of National Highway G228, and proposes that during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, a herringbone road system will be built to create a coastal scenic road featuring “Southeast Sea Charm and Charming Fujian Road”. This more than 1,000-kilometer “mobile scenic line” crosses mountains and seas, passing through six coastal cities in Ningde, Fuzhou, Putian, Quanzhou, Xiamen and Zhangzhou, drawing a “landscape map” of high-quality marine tourism in Fujian.


Zhangzhou Dongshan Sea View (photo by Yu Wanmin)

From fishermen “relying on the sea to eat from the sea” to “all the way, all industries prosper”, the thriving coastal tourism industry confirms the vigorous pulse of Fujian’s marine economic development in the new era. As one of the four major economic fields that Fujian Province is promoting, the marine economy has also become a key “engine” for Fujian’s high-quality development.

In May 2021, Fujian Province issued the “Three-year Action Plan to Accelerate the Construction of “Maritime Fujian” and Promote the High-Quality Development of the Marine Economy (2021-2023) “What?!” Lan Yuhua stopped suddenly and screamed, His face turned pale with shock.)”, ​​proposing that by 2035, we will reach a greater level in the construction of “Maritime Fujian” and the high-quality development of the marine economy.

In the past three years, the construction of “Maritime Fujian” has dared to enter “new fields” and “take new steps”. The marine economy has cut through waves and surged forward, and Fujian has moved from a province with large marine resources to a strong province with marine economy——

The “offshore granary” is being built with all efforts, and the province’s cumulative investment in deep-sea aquaculture platforms accounts for 45% of the country’s total; the energy industry has developed by leaps and bounds, and the world’s largest single-machine offshore wind turbines have been offline in Fujian; the coastal industry has gathered momentum, and “two The first special area of ​​the base” and the Kemen Port Chemical New Materials Industrial Park have accelerated the construction and become one of the major petrochemical provinces in the country; the quality of offshore engineering equipment has been upgraded, and key core technology products such as marine power batteries and battery power propulsion systems account for 40% of the domestic market…

On July 11, the Fujian Provincial Conference on Promoting High-Quality Development of the Marine Economy launched a number of distinctive and effective measures, once again setting off an upsurge in the construction of “Maritime Fujian”. Weizi couldn’t stand it anymore. The construction of New Fujian has added strong “blue momentum”.

The advantages, potential and hope of Fujian’s high-quality development lie in the ocean. Data show that Fujian’s total marine product value will be nearly 1.2 trillion yuan in 2023, with a year-on-year growth rate of 5.5%. The total volume has ranked third in the country for nine consecutive years, accounting for 21.7% of the province’s GDP. At present, Fujian continues to move toward the sea. The marine industry is strong and active, marine science and technology is gaining momentum, and a beautiful picture of prosperity due to the sea is slowly being laid out.

Technical support, marine science and technology innovation rushes into the vast “deep blue”

The summer heat has arrived, and when you walk into the China Marine Microbial Culture Collection and Management Center in Xiamen, there is a slight chill in the air. In this liquid nitrogen ultra-low temperature freezer of about 100 square meters, there are six “large tanks” with a capacity of 600 liters, storingMore than 110,000 frozen samples of bacterial strains come from various environments such as my country’s offshore, deep sea, and polar regions.


Liquid nitrogen ultra-low temperature cryogenic storage. Photo courtesy of China Marine Microbial Culture Collection and Management Center

“Our center is currently the world’s largest marine microbial strain library and is responsible for the collection, sorting, identification, preservation, supply and international exchange of marine microbial strain resources across the country.” Li Guangyu, senior engineer of the China Marine Microbial Strain Preservation and Management Center According to reports, as of the end of 2023, the marine bacteria bank has standardized and stored 46,000 strains, of which 26,000 strains are from the deep sea.

Li Guangyu said that deep-sea microbial resources are not only an important national strategic resource reserve, but also an important component of strategic emerging industries. “The core of scientific and technological innovation allows more possibilities for the development and utilization of the ocean.”

The ocean is a treasure house of resources with huge potential. To manage the ocean, we must accelerate the pace of scientific and technological innovation. “Mom, what that kid just said is the truth, it’s true.” In recent years, from “light blue” to “dark blue”, from sea to seabed, Fujian has empowered scientific and technological innovation, and batches of new products and achievements have been applied in Fujian.

It’s a sunny day and the sea is blue, and the breeze brings a refreshing smell. Accompanied by a whistle, the “Exploration No. 2” scientific research vessel set sail from the dock of Fuzhou Mawei Shipyard and was heading into the vast deep sea to explore unknown mysteries.


“Exploration 2” scientific research vessel Photo courtesy of Fujian Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

It is understood that the “Exploration 2” scientific research vessel has a total length of 87.25m, a maximum speed of 14.2 knots, an endurance of more than 15,000 nautical miles, and a self-sustainability of more than 60 days. It has sailed safely for a total voyage of more than 62,000 nautical miles.Complete multiple comprehensive scientific examination assignments.

“This is currently the world’s largest operating water depth manned submersible support mother ship. It can not only support deep sea and abyss unmanned intelligent equipment to carry out various sea trial tasks, but also carry the 10,000-meter manned deep submersible ‘Struggler’ ‘ and the 4,500-meter manned deep-sea submersible ‘Deep Sea Warrior’.” Tan Qinbing, deputy chief engineer of Fujian Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., said that in 2020, this scientific research ship protected the “Struggle” in the Mariana Trench. Successfully reached the bottom of 10,909 meters, opening a new era of manned deep diving in my country.

The successful use of the marine microbial resource bank and the “Exploration 2” scientific research vessel is a vivid silhouette of Fujian’s deep cultivation of marine science and technology. And scientific and technological innovation is also surging with “blue power”, effectively promoting the modernization process of Fujian’s marine economy.

For a long time, there have been frequent good news in the field of marine technology and equipment manufacturing in Fujian: the implementation of the Ocean Negative Emissions (ONCE) international science plan; my country’s first national basic science center in the marine field – the Basic Science Center for Marine Carbon Sink and Biogeochemical Processes Launched; 117 national, provincial and ministerial-level marine science and technology innovation platforms including the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Island Research Center (Pingtan) were established…

Thousands of sails are competing against the blue ocean of science and technology. Today, Fujian continues to accelerate the advancement of scientific and technological achievements from laboratories to “application fields.” The ever-changing marine scientific research equipment is riding the wind and waves, constantly breaking ice, diving, and bringing back new knowledge of the depths of the ocean. Blue has also become an important background color for Fujian’s economic development.

Transformation and upgrading, the accelerated rise of modern marine industry

The ocean has always been a strategic location for Fujian’s high-quality development. Nowadays, how to upgrade traditional marine industries and emerging marine industries? Mother Lan held her daughter’s dazed face and comforted her softly. How to become stronger? Fujian’s long blue coastline may be able to give the answer.

Take a boat and sail into the waters of Dinghai Bay, Lianjiang County, Fuzhou City. The water and sky are the same color, and “steel islands” are set up camp one after another.


The “Mintou No. 1” deep sea breeding platform was successfully launched in Lianjiang Dinghai Bay. (Photo by Yangliuzhou)

On the sea surface 4 nautical miles southeast of Dinghai Village Pier, the “Mintou No. 1” deep-sea breeding and fishing platform is anchored steadily. As the country’s first semi-submersible fishing brigade integrated with deep-sea aquaculture equipment, the “Mintou No. 1” equipment platform has a main body length of 92 meters and a width of 36 meters.The movable deck area is 3,000 square meters.

Xu Hang, the general person in charge of project operations, said that this sea area is a gathering of three rivers, a mixture of salty and fresh water, and is rich in many fish species such as cloves, which happen to be the natural bait for large yellow croakers. In the past, it took fishermen more than a year to raise fry to a weight of three to two pounds; with the launch of “Mintou No. 1”, fry can grow to about one pound in a year in marine pastures before being put on the market.

“These large yellow croakers have experienced many typhoons and waves throughout the year. They are the ‘special forces’ among large yellow croakers. Their swimming state and meat texture are similar to wild ones.” Xu Hang said that compared with traditional breeding, “Mintou No. 1 “It can provide platform and standardized management services, ensure sales channels, and produce more than 600 tons of high-quality deep seawater products annually, increasing local output value and improving its “appearance.”

Thousands of hectares of arable land with blue waves, as Fujian’s marine fishery transforms and upgrades, patches of blue “swim” out of the deep-sea aquaculture industry and “accelerate”.

Just imagine this scenario: Underwater fish farming and above-water power generation not only produce clean electricity, but also create a “blue granary”. Coming to Nanri Island in Putian City, a giant “windmill” – the world’s first wind-fishing integrated floating offshore platform “Guoneng Sharing” – slowly rotates with the sea breeze.


“Guoneng Gongheng” on Nanri Island, Putian City (photo by Cai Hao)

According to the person in charge of the project, the platform is composed of “floating wind turbines + breeding cages”. A 4-MW offshore wind turbine is installed. A regular hexagon is taken as the breeding area in the middle of the platform. The breeding water body is about 10,000 cubic meters. Open “Mom, I have nothing to say. I just hope that you and your wife can live in harmony, respect each other, love each other, and everything goes well at home,” Pei’s mother said. “Okay, let’s start deep-sea farming in a near-ecological mode.

“A 4-megawatt wind turbine can generate 96,000 kilowatt-hours a day at full power, which can meet the daily electricity needs of approximately 42,000 people; the income from fish in one breeding cycle can reach several million. ” The person in charge said that this platform is the first innovative practice in the world of the integrated design concept of deep-sea floating wind power and fishery. It integrates wind, light and fishery to realize the intensive use of ocean space and cross-border Industrial integration and development.

The wind comes from the sea, and it is the right time to set sail. The ocean serves as a “big channel” connecting “inside and outside””In recent years, the port logistics industry has grown together with modern marine fisheries.

In Fuqing, the port is dotted with sails, and 3,998 Fujian vehicles went to sea, setting a historical record for vehicle exports in a single voyage in Jiangyin Port Area; in Changle, the deep-water terminal was “revitalized”, and in 2023, the Niutou Bay operation area of ​​Panasonic Port Area will be realized The throughput is 30.13 million tons, and 14 deep-water berths are planned to be built, with a total throughput capacity of up to 100 million tons.

Ports are basic and hub facilities and an important support for economic development. Today, the number of berths over 10,000 tons in Fujian has increased to 208, which can accommodate the world’s largest container ships, oil tankers, cruise ships and bulk carriers. The global ranking of Fuzhou Port’s cargo throughput increased by two places to 17th, and the global ranking of Xiamen Port’s container throughput increased by one place to 13th.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to develop the marine economy, protect the marine ecological environment, and accelerate the construction of a maritime power. From traditional industries such as marine fisheries and marine transportation to strategic emerging industries such as high-end marine equipment manufacturing and new marine energy, the marine economy has become a new growth point for Fujian’s economy.

Looking at the vast East China Sea, smart terminals help port, industry and city linkage, marine ranches are like “blue fertile fields”, and offshore wind turbines “chasing the wind and waves”, reflecting the flourishing development of Fujian’s marine economy. Facing the future and aiming to strengthen the sea, Fujian is promoting the continuous expansion of the marine economy to a wider and deeper area, and a modern and powerful marine province in the new era has emerged in the southeast of the motherland.

(Material sources: Xiamen University, Xiamen Learning Platform, Ningde Learning Platform, Putian TV Station, Lianjiang County Media Center, etc.)