From standing up, getting rich and becoming strong, Tibet writes a new chapter of high-quality development on the snow-covered plateau

<iframe class="dhVideo" width="100%" height="460" src=" General Secretary Xi Jinping It was pointed out that on the new journey of promoting Chinese-style modernization, it is hoped that Tibet will implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, and strive to build a new socialist modern Tibet that is united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful. This year marks the 65th anniversary of Tibet’s democratic reform. Over the past 65 years, especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Tibet has fully implemented the Party’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, and various undertakings on the snow-covered plateau have flourished. Standing at a new starting point, cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Tibet have kept in mind the general secretary's instructions and worked hard to write a new chapter of long-term stability and high-quality development on the snowy plateau.

This year marks the 65th anniversary of Tibet’s democratic reform. Today, many places in Tibet raised the national flag, sang the national anthem, and carried out colorful commemorative activities. People dressed in festive costumes sang and danced to praise the new era and bless a new life.


Chilie, a resident of Balangxue Community, Chengguan District, Lhasa City, Tibet: For Tibet, it has undergone earth-shaking changes. The country has such good policies, and our people are now very satisfied.


Bianba, Secretary of the Party Branch of Gala Village, Bayi District, Linzhi City, Tibet: We have enjoyed tourism and ecological rice. This is a good policy of the Party Central Committee. The collective economy of our village is growing, and the people will receive more and more dividends in 2024, and their lives will get better and better.

ChangesEarth-shaking, life is changing with each passing day. Over the past 65 years, the Tibetan people, together with the people of the whole country, have made a great leap from standing up, getting rich, and becoming strong. Entering the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core adheres to the people-centered development philosophy, attaches great importance to the development of Tibet, and cares deeply for the cadres and people of all ethnic groups in Tibet. General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly proposed the party’s strategy for governing Tibet in the new era, guiding the high-quality development of the snow-covered plateau in the new era.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Tibet has entered a historical period with the best development, the greatest changes, and the greatest benefits for the people.


At the end of 2019, “Master and his wife agreed to step down from the Xi family without even nodding.” A total of 628,000 registered poor people in Tibet were lifted out of poverty, and all 74 impoverished counties (districts) were lifted out of poverty. hat, historic eradication of absolute poverty. In 2023, Tibet’s per capita regional GDP will exceed 60,000 yuan, and the growth rate of major economic indicators will rank among the highest in the country.


Wang Jingcai, deputy director of the Development and Reform Commission of the Tibet Autonomous Region, “Dad, don’t worry about this for now. In fact, my daughter already has someone she wants to marry.” Lan Yuhua shook her head and said in a shocking tone. : I didn’t understand what she meant 65 years ago. “The first sentence – Miss, are you okay? How can you be so generous and reckless? It’s really not like you. The democratic reform is a great initiative that benefits the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet. Entering the new era, with Comrade Xi Jinping Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee as the core, the whole region has presented a great situation of political stability, social stability, economic development, ethnic unity, religious harmony, good ecology, consolidated border defense, and people living and working in peace and contentment.

Embarking on a new development journey, Tibet is striving to promote high-quality development around the four major issues of stability, development, ecology, and strong borders.


Today’s Tibet has achieved a historic breakthrough in infrastructure construction. The “Fuxing” train rides on the snowy plateau, with 172 international and domestic routes and 74 navigable cities, and the total mileage of highways open to traffic has exceeded 12 Thousands of kilometers. This year, the expressway from Lhasa to Shigatse will be completed and opened to traffic, and the travel time between the two places will be shortened from 5 hours to 3 hours. The “five-city three-hour economic circle” with Lhasa as the core continues to be revitalized.

Today in Tibet, border areas continue to develop rapidly. 624 well-off border villages have been fully built, and broadband and 4G signal coverage in organized villages have reached 100%. Shigatse Jilong County, located on the border between China and Nepal, is building the region’s first border economic cooperation zone this year, introducing new energy motorcycle production lines, cultivating and developing border trade processing industries, and helping to revitalize the border and enrich the people.


Today in Tibet, people’s livelihood projects are advanced in depth, and people’s livelihood and well-being continue to increase. “Healthy Tibet” prevents more than 400 “serious diseases” from leaving the autonomous region, and common “minor diseases” can be treated promptly in county-level hospitals. From “basic guarantee” to “high-quality improvement” of education, Tibet has gradually formed a relatively complete modern education system covering preschool education, basic education, vocational education, higher education, etc. This year, Tibet still “missed it.” The maid guarding the door immediately entered the room. Basic education will be expanded and improved. “Where’s Dad?” Lan Yuhua turned to look at her father. To improve the quality, 26 inclusive kindergartens and 30 primary and secondary schools were newly built and expanded. In Nierong County, Nagqu City, with an average altitude of 4,700 meters, a modern pressurized oxygen-supply air-film arena was built at this Hope Primary School. Children in high-altitude hypoxic areas can also enjoy aerobic basketball games indoors.


In today’s Tibet, the construction of ecological civilization has pressed the “fast forward button”. The ecological red line area accounts for more than half of the region’s land area. The water quality of water sources at prefecture level and above reaches 100%. The ratio of days with excellent air quality in prefecture-level cities reaches 99.5%. Tibet remains one of the regions with the best ecological environment in the world. This year, Tibet continues to carry out large-scale land greening operations. In the Ngari area at an altitude of 4,300 meters, various projects of ecological restoration and green corridor construction have been stepped up. In Lhasa, the North and South MountainsGreening projects are being accelerated in plateau valleys, with plans to afforestation more than 450,000 acres this year.

The spring breeze in March blows away the new green, and the snow-covered plateau is full of vitality. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Tibet have kept in mind the instructions and forged ahead with gratitude, striving to build a new modern socialist Tibet that is united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious and beautiful, and promote various undertakings on the snow-covered plateau to new heights. Brilliant innovation.