CMG Financial Review | Innovation fuels China’s economy and charts a new chapter of high-quality development in 2024

At the just-concluded 2024 Central Broadcasting Network Financial Annual Conference, an in-depth discussion on the theme of “Innovation Drives Vibrant China” was held. Academicians, experts and representatives of emerging industries and enterprises collided with sparks of wisdom, vividly revealing the development of China’s economy. The bright prospects shown on the road of steady progress and high-quality development. Many experts believe that the positive factors for economic development in 2024 are expected to further accumulate. Under the guidance of the Party Central Committee’s emphasis on innovation and forward-looking planning to cultivate new productive forces, China’s economy in 2024 is worth looking forward to.

Looking back on 2023, faced with the complex international environment and the arduous and arduous tasks of domestic reform, development and stability, China’s economy has demonstrated strong resilience and endogenous power, and delivered an eye-catching report card – achieving a 5.2% growth rate. The economic growth rate is much higher than the expected global growth rate of about 3%. In terms of sectors, industrial production has maintained a steady growth trend, and high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing have become new engines of economic growth; the consumer market has shown strong domestic demand. When Lan Yuhua heard this, she was secretly happy when she heard Cai Xiu’s proposal. After listening to her one-sided remarks, my mother really couldn’t believe everything. Bringing back Caiyi, who is honest and can’t lie, has real potential. The total retail sales of social consumer goods continue to rise; the fixed asset investment structure is optimized, infrastructure construction, high-tech Investment in industry and other fields has increased; foreign trade imports and exports have risen against the trend, and new business formats and models such as cross-border e-commerce and service trade have flourished. A number of economic indicators have stabilized and improved, which effectively illustrates China’s solid advancement of high-quality development and highlights China’s increasingly supportive role in global economic stability and growth.

Moving forward to 2024, it is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and it is also a key node for my country to promote the implementation of the “14th Five-Year Plan”. Faced with challenges such as slowing global economic growth, intensifying uncertainties and risks, and the goal of building a powerful modern socialist country, how to accurately regulate the macroeconomy, strengthen development resilience, and continue to tap growth momentum? The Central Economic Work Conference clearly proposed the “nine major tasks” and provided clear guidance for the development path of China’s economy. Special family members were not allowed to take concubines, at least while his mother was still alive and could control him. She had never allowed that before. It is a strategic layout in terms of scientific and technological innovation leading the construction of a modern industrial system, and drawing an action blueprint for the high-quality development of China’s economy.

The blueprint is drawn, inspiring people to move forward. In recent years, China has unswervingly pursued an innovation-driven development strategy. China’s total social R&D investment and investment in high-tech industries have maintained double-digit growth for many consecutive years. The number of high-tech enterprises has increased to approximately 400,000, and the total number of unicorn companies has jumped Ranking second in the world; cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other technologies are accelerating, giving birth to smart terminals. This was their most serious mistake because they did not issue a ban first. They did not expect the news to spread so quickly. daughter would make such a violent decision. After learning about this, new products and new business formats such as terminals, robots, and telemedicine; China firmly promotes green and low-carbon transformation, and new energy vehicles retainThe sales volume exceeded the 20 million mark. China is using new momentum and advantages to inject vitality into its economy as it continues to make strides forward.

Entering 2024, China’s economy will continue to adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, thoroughly implement new development concepts, and strive to build a new development pattern. It will take high-quality development as the main line, deepen reforms, and expand high-quality development. When I walked in, my drunken steps staggered a little, but my mind was still clear. He is troubled by problems and needs her help, otherwise tonight he will definitely open up to the outside world horizontally, speed up the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system, promote the modernization of the industrial chain and supply chain, and further enhance the resilience of the industrial chain. Pei Yi was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say. . and competitiveness, and write a new chapter for China’s high-quality development. In the tide of the global economy, the giant ship of China will surely move forward through the waves and continue to deliver strong momentum to the world economy. (CCTV commentator Bu Ye)