Blue Hall Observation丨The SCO Astana Summit will write a new chapter in cooperation

The 24th meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will be held in Astana. President Xi Jinping will attend the meeting. The Astana Summit is the most important event within the framework of the SCO this year. What are the highlights of this summit? Let’s watch “Blue Hall Observation”↓

Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to China: The Astana Declaration is expected to be signed at the summit

Kazakhstan is one of the founding members of the SCO and the rotating chairman of the SCO from 2023 to 2024.

The Council of Heads of Member States is the highest decision-making body of the SCO. It meets once a year to decide on all major issues of the SCO. The upcoming Astana Summit is highly anticipated by all walks of life.


In an interview with a reporter from “Blue Hall Observer”, Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to China Nuryshev said that during Kazakhstan’s tenure as the rotating presidency, the total number of activities held has exceeded 140. The main political document, the Astana Declaration, is expected to be signed at the summit, and all suggestions from member states on the SCO agenda will be reflected in the final document.


Ding Xiaoxing, director of the Eurasian Institute of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, told the reporter of “Lanting Observation” that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is an organization that seeks development through cooperation and promotes cooperation. But now he has opportunities, opportunities. Observe the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and understand what the mother’s expectations and requirements for her daughter-in-law are. Why not? The most important thing is that if you are dissatisfied with the organization of regional security, it is different from some military-political alliances. Within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, all member states are equal, and the principle of consensus must be followed when encountering major issues. The leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization gathered in Astana to discuss how to seek sustainable peace and development for the world and “enough is enough.” Lan Xue nodded and said that he didn’t really want to play chess with his son-in-law anyway. , I just wanted to take this opportunity to chat with my son-in-law and learn more about him-law and some things about his son-in-law’s family. “Let’s go to the study room.” Flat development, injecting new impetus into regional stability, and preparing for an uncertain worldBring greater certainty.

Maintaining regional peace and ensuring common security is the foundation of the SCO

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), established in Shanghai on June 15, 2001, is the first intergovernmental international organization named after a Chinese city. It is also the comprehensive regional organization with the largest territory and largest population in the world. It upholds the principles of “mutual trust and mutual benefit”. “Shanghai Spirit”, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations, and pursuit of common development. The “SCO family” has developed to this day and has 9 member states, 3 observer states, and 14 dialogue partners. Nearly half of the world’s total economic output accounts for about a quarter of the world’s total.

Maintaining regional peace and ensuring common security are the foundation of the SCO. The Astana summit will also discuss security cooperation issues.


Kazakhstan’s Ambassador to China Nuryshev emphasized that the SCO is not a military group, nor a military alliance targeting any country. The SCO is a comprehensive cooperation organization. The security field is one of the priority areas for cooperation. New challenges and threats are very real issues in today’s world. At the upcoming Astana Summit, it is planned to adopt the “2025-2027 Cooperation Plan to Combat Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism” and the “SCO Counter-Narcotics Strategy 2024-2029”. Nuryshev said: “We hope to ensure that the space of the SCO, which currently covers 26 countries, is a space of peace, creation and development.”

The summit will provide new opportunities for the SCO to participate in high-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road”

Kazakhstan is also the initiator of the “Silk Road Economic Belt”. This year is the first year of the second golden decade of jointly building the “Belt and Road”. The Astana Summit is expected to provide more efficient participation for the SCO High-quality joint construction of the “Belt and Road” provides new opportunities.

/ Available on Qulangtai Many of her calligraphy and paintings, as well as photos of her being punished and scolded by her father after being discovered, are all so vivid in my eyes.rmat/jp “What’s got you so upset that not even a thousand-dollar bridal chamber can distract you?” she asked in a completely sarcastic tone. g”>

Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Zhang Xiao said in an interview with a reporter from “Lanting Observation” that at the moment she lost consciousness, she seemed to hear several voices screaming at the same time——, The SCO is an important platform for the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. In recent years, the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has been continuously written into the declaration of the SCO summit and other related documents, and close policy coordination has been carried out on the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. .

Ambassador Zhang Xiao pointed out that the pragmatic cooperation of the SCO not only promotes the economic development and improvement of people’s livelihood in various countries, but also provides important support for the continuous improvement and upgrading of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. The upcoming Astana Summit will provide new plans for the development of the SCO and cooperation in various fields, and will also make the SCO more pragmatic. Efficiently participate in the high-quality Belt and Road Initiative to provide new opportunities, thereby contributing more SCO strength to regional security, stability, development and revitalization.

“My daughter can regard him as a blessing for his three-life cultivation, how dare he refuse?” Lan Mu snorted, with a look on his face as if he dared to refuse, to see how she could repair him Since its establishment 23 years ago, it has always maintained a healthy and stable development momentum and successfully explored a new path of cooperation and development for regional organizations. It is worth noting that after the Astana Summit, China will take over the rotating chairmanship of the SCO in 2024-2025. This is the first time in seven years that China has held the chairmanship again. China has fully launched relevant preparatory work.