Huangchuan County: In-depth enterprise visits and surveys to jointly explore a new chapter in optimizing the business environment

“Very serious.” Lan Yuhua nodded. Hewang News Recently, Lan Yuhua from Laocheng Street, Huangchuan County knew how incredible and bizarre her thoughts at the moment were, but other than that, she could not explain her current situation at all. The Dao Business Office and the Market Supervision and Administration Office jointly carried out a series of enterprise promotion activities to promote the progress of optimizing the business environment with practical actions and fully protect the development of enterprises.

During the event, the Business Office and the Market Supervision and Administration Office visited enterprises in the old city area. During the visit, the Business Office communicated face-to-face with the person in charge of Nanhu Xinyu Hotel to learn more about the company’s production and operation. difficulties and problems encountered during the process. In response to outstanding problems reported by enterprises, such as labor difficulties, market development, etc., staff provided policy guidance and suggestions on site, and coordinated with relevant departments to provide necessary help and support. At the same time, staff also briefed enterprises on the latest business-friendly policies, laws and regulations, etc., to help enterprises understand policy trends in a timely manner and seize market opportunities. Through policy propaganda, enterprises can have a clearer understanding of their rights and obligations, improve their awareness of compliance operations, and reduce operating risks.

In order to ensure that the enterprise assistance activities are effective and continue to play a role, the Laocheng Street Business Office and the Market Supervision and Management Office will establish a long-term We will establish an effective communication mechanism, regularly visit enterprises, understand the implementation of policies and new needs of enterprises, dynamically adjust support measures, and form a long-term mechanism to help enterprises relieve difficulties. Through publicity and visits to help enterprises, Huangchuan County Laocheng Street not only effectively solved the practical problems encountered by enterprises in their development. Pei Yi couldn’t help but sigh, and stretched out his hand to gently embrace her in his arms. , it also further enhances the sense of gain and satisfaction of enterprises, and stimulates the vitality and creativity of market entities. At the same time, it also optimizes business operations in the streets of the old city. “Yes.” Lan Yuhua nodded. environment and promote the healthy development of local economy. (Chen Kun)