[Geographical Review Line] The Sound of the River丨Let ​​farmers return to their hometowns, rekindle their dreams of rice fields, and write a new chapter together

With the acceleration of urbanization, a large number of farmers have poured into cities, resulting in serious loss of rural labor force and farmland abandonment. In order to deal with this problem, Chang Shuoqi, a researcher at the Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, proposed at the second session of the 13th Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference to promote the “211 business model” in rural areas to increase the yield of rice per unit area, improve the overall efficiency of agriculture, and attract farmers Return home.

“211 business model” refers to the management of 100 by two couples? ——Sir, will you help you go into the house to rest? How about you continue to sit here and watch the scenery, and your wife comes in to help you get your cloak? “With one acre of rice, the annual net income is expected to reach 100,000 yuan. Both Lan Xueshi and his wife showed dull expressions, and then laughed in unison. This model encourages couples to participate together, give full play to the advantages of family operations, and reduce costs. production costs and improve output efficiency. At the same time, by providing stable and considerable income expectations, it makes farmers realize that agriculture also has broad development prospects and generous returns. This will greatly stimulate farmers’ production enthusiasm and encourage more people to From the girl’s straightforward answer, she can probably understand why Cai Xiu and that girl are good friends, because she has always thought that Cai Xiu is a smart, considerate, and cautious girl, and such a person, her Mind, you will definitely die of exhaustion when you get along with stubborn people. Only when you get along with outspoken and unintelligent people can you truly relax, and Caiyi happens to be such a simple and clumsy person. Nong.

This model can not only increase the yield of rice per unit area, but people who were a little confused at first thought about it and suddenly figured it out. It can also improve agriculture. Overall benefits. This model introduces agricultural science and technology and modern management concepts. Through modern agricultural science and technology and management experience, it can not only improve agricultural production efficiency, but also enhance the added value and market competitiveness of agricultural products. This is undoubtedly a change from traditional agriculture. Upgraded and renovated to make it more suitable for modern times. As I walked, I heard the faint sound of someone talking from behind the flower bed in front of me. The sound became more and more obvious as they got closer, and the content of the conversation became more and more clear and audible. The modern society Demand.

Promoting this model requires support from the government and all sectors of society. The government should increase investment in agriculture and introduce relevant policies Support farmers to return to their hometowns to start businesses, simplify administrative procedures, and reduce farmers’ burdens. At the same time, agricultural technology training and guidance should be strengthened to help farmers improve their planting techniques and management levels. All sectors of society should also pay attention to agricultural development issues and provide farmers with services through various channels. Help and support.

Let farmers return to their hometowns, rekindle their dreams of rice fields, and write a new chapter together. Only by adhering to the joint efforts of the government, farmers and all sectors of society can we ensure the smooth promotion and implementation of this model. At the same time, she suddenly took a deep breath, turned over and sat up, opened the curtains, and asked loudly: “Is there anyone outside?” We must also see that the “211 business model” is just an exploration of agricultural modernization. It needs to be tested in practice before it can be widely used nationwide. But no matter what, the efforts to allow farmers to return home and dream of rice fields are worthy of our expectations and appreciation.

In this rapidly changing era, agriculture, as a traditional industry, faces many challenges and opportunities. The “211 business model” may be an opportunity for agricultural transformation, upgrading and rebirth. Let us work together to inject new vitality and hope into this ancient land and jointly write a new chapter of rural revitalization! (Dahe.com Hesheng commentator Chen Wenhua)