San Diego Zoo, USA: Sugar daddy “Yunchuan” and “Xinbao” are doing well in their new

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This is the giant panda “Yunchuan” released by the San Diego Zoo in California, USA on July 9 at the zoo Pinay escort‘s first pictures of its new home. Xinhua News Agency (photo courtesy of San Diego Zoo) Sugar daddy

Xinhua News Agency, Los Angeles, July 9 (Reporter Gao Shan ) The San Diego Zoo in the United States stated on the 9th that giant pandas “Yunchuan” and “Xinbao” have adapted well to their new home at the zoo. Experts from the United States and China are working closely to help the two giant pandas thrive in the new environment Pinay escortHealthy growth.

The San Diego Zoo said in a press release that in order to meet the dietary needs and preferences of giant pandas, Escort experts from both parties HealthySugar daddy and careEscort The team not only provided a variety of fresh bamboo, but also locally improved “WowoEscorttau”. In addition, experts also conducted food adaptation training and weight testing for giant pandas, and paid close attention to their health conditions. Veterinary TeamSugar daddyThe team will track the weight, appetite and other aspects of “Yunchuan” and “Xinbao” every day Manila escortHealth Indicators.

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The San Diego Zoo released the first pictures of “Yunchuan” and “Xinbao” in their new homes . The animal Manila escortpark described “CloudSugar daddy in the notice “Yunchuan” is an almost 5-year-old boy with a long and pointed nose. Whether he is exploring the grass or climbing a tree, “Yunchuan” looks very leisurely and comfortable.

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This is the giant panda “Xin” released by the San Diego Animal Escort Park on July 9 The first images of “Treasure” in its new home at the zoo. Published by Xinhua News Agency (Photo provided by San Diego Zoo)

The zoo described “Xinbao” as a girl who is nearly 4 years old, and her name means “treasure of prosperity and abundance.” The zoo said that “Xinbao’s” big round face and big ears make it Sugar daddy look different, Escort manilaIt likes to bask in the sun quietly Escort manila and focus on what you like Food.

The zoo stated that “Yunchuan” and “Xinbao” will not be seen by the public in the next few weeks, but the zoo will share more information with the public as soon as possible, including the official announcement of the two giant pandas. Sugar daddy Date to meet the public

Charter flight 6Sugar daddy arrived in Los Angeles, California, USA on September 27th Pinay escort Airport, then transferred to the San Diego Zoo in southern California to enter the quarantine period Escort manila.”>Manila escort Yunchuan” and “Xinbao” settled in the San Diego Zoo, opening a new round of Sino-US giant panda conservation cooperation. After moving into the San Diego Zoo, Chinese experts will stay for about three months to help them quickly adapt to the new environment.

The San Diego Zoo is one of the most popular attractions in the United States for attracting tourists EscortOne of the zoos with the most “>Manila escort is also Manila escort the first institution in the United States to conduct cooperative research on giant pandas with China .China and AmericaEscort manilafrom Sugar daddy Since the launch of relevant cooperation in 1994, the two parties have achieved fruitful results in many aspects such as giant panda research and protection, and jointly conquered a series of Sugar daddy technical difficulties, and jointly contribute to the protection of endangered wildlife around the world.