[New Thoughts Leading a New Journey] General Secretary Xi Jinping leads the comprehensive deepening of reform and expansion of opening up, writing a new chapter in Chinese-style modernization

CCTV News (News Network): General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that reform and opening up is a great step forward for the cause of the party and the people to catch up with the times. However, there is a hurdle in his heart, but he cannot do it. , so he had to go to Qizhou this time. He only hopes that his wife can pass the test of this six months. If she can really get her mother’s approval, it will be an important magic weapon. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping, with great historical initiative, great political courage, and strong sense of responsibility, has made major strategic arrangements for comprehensively deepening reforms, leading the entire Party, the entire army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to embark on a vigorous and vigorous development. A magnificent new process of reform. Our country has achieved historic changes, systemic reshaping, and overall reconstruction in many fields, comprehensively deepened reforms, achieved historic achievements, and written a new chapter in Chinese modernization.

Today, China’s GDP has increased from 57 trillion yuan in 2013 to 126 trillion yuan in 2023, and its share of the world economy has increased from 12.3% increased to about 18%; grain output has stood at 1.3 trillion jin for nine consecutive years; the global innovation index ranking has risen from 35th to 12th; the income gap between urban and rural residents has narrowed from 2.81 to 2.39; average life expectancy has increased in 10 years increased to 78.2 years; the Chinese people are more proactive spiritually and their cultural confidence has been significantly enhanced; the ecological environment has achieved a historic turn, with the sky becoming bluer, the mountains greener, and the water clearer, and the trend of ecological deterioration has been basically contained.

Over more than 10 years, we have comprehensively deepened reform and expanded opening up, and promoted Chinese society to achieve a series of historic, revolutionary, and groundbreaking achievements. In December 2012, less than a month after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in Guangdong, the forefront of reform and opening up, General Secretary Xi Jinping declared to the world that reform and opening up would not stop.

The firm declaration of reform stems from a profound historical consciousness and a broad global vision. Entering a new era, China is already the world’s second largest economy and has achieved world-renowned achievements. However, we are faced with a series of outstanding contradictions and challenges in development, and there are still many difficulties and problems on the way forward. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the key to solving these problems lies in deepening reforms.

Facing the world’s major changes unseen in a century, and facing the deep-seated institutional contradictions encountered in development, General Secretary Xi Jinping has a profound understanding ofUnderstand the laws of historical development, accurately grasp the general trend of world development, and open a new historical page of comprehensively deepening reform. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adopted the “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms”. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed for the first time the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reforms – to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promote the national governance system. and modernize governance capabilities. 60 specific tasks and 336 reform measures have clarified the direction and key areas of reform in terms of economic system, political system, cultural system, social system, ecological civilization system, national defense and military reform, and party building system. This epoch-making important meeting initiated a historic transformation of reform from partial exploration and ice-breaking breakthroughs to systematic coordination and comprehensive deepening, creating a new situation in my country’s reform and opening up.

Following the great road, you can reach thousands of miles. For more than 10 years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has been constantly thinking about planning the overall reform and promoting reform practice during in-depth inspections and surveys at the grassroots level. In Xiaogang, Anhui, the birthplace of rural reform, he proposed deepening rural reform under the new situation; in Pudong, Shanghai, he called for in-depth promotion of high-level institutional opening; in Hainan, a new highland for opening up to the outside world, he empowered Hainan to comprehensively deepen reform and opening up and build Chinese characteristics The important mission of the Free Trade Port; came to Qianhai, Shenzhen three times to provide guidance for the reform and development of Qianhai, and proposed to deepen the reform and opening up of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone; visited Xiongan New Area three times, from planning site selection to planning Construction, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally decided, deployed, and promoted this historic project with a big historical perspective.

Faced with the myriad of reform tasks and approaches. Respond more to this. Amid unprecedented pressure for reform, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally presided over more than 70 meetings of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform to promote the comprehensive deepening of reform. Creatively put forward the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reform; creatively put forward the value orientation of comprehensively deepening reform, and adhere to the “people-centered” approach to promote reform; creatively put forward the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, better play the role of the government, and achieve social impact. A major theoretical breakthrough in the socialist market economic system; creatively proposed to build the fundamental system, basic system, and important institutional system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, forming an institutional map of “Government in China”.

” To achieve the ultimate goal despite the most difficult situation. Strengthen the Party’s commitment to comprehensively deepening reforms Centralized and unified leadership. The party gives full play to the core role of leadership in setting direction, planning the overall situation, formulating policies, and promoting reforms, and insists on leading the great social revolution with great self-revolution.

Continue to promote the reform of the party and state institutions, establish the National Supervisory Commission, form the Central Financial Commission, establish the Central Science and Technology Commission, a series of major reform measures, straighten out the problems of multi-party fragmentation, fragmentation and other issues, and achieve systematic integration of the party and state institutions. , overall reconstruction, the party’s leadership and government execution capabilities have been further enhanced, and the national governance efficiency has been significantly improved; facing the important juncture of China’s economic transformation from high-speed growth to high-quality development stage, we should take supply-side structural reform as the main line to promote Reform the quality, efficiency, and power of economic development, improve total factor productivity, and achieve effective improvements in quality and reasonable growth in quantity; accelerate the improvement of the socialist market economic system, implement a national unified negative list system for market access, and a property rights protection system Gradually take shape to better integrate the government and the effective market and lay a solid foundation for the high-quality development of China’s economy; implement a more proactive opening-up strategy and implement the Foreign Investment Law, and fully implement the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and coordinate the implementation. Promote the construction of 22 free trade pilot zones and form a wider scope, wider field, and deeper level of opening up to the outside world. ” She responded lightly, and the choked and hoarse voice made her understand that she was really crying. She didn’t want to cry, she just wanted to put on a higher-level open economy with a smile that reassured him. The new system is being formed at an accelerated pace; in the strategic design of adhering to the comprehensive rule of law, we will deepen the reform of the judicial system and strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case; we will lead cultural construction with socialist core values ​​and vigorously promote the improvement of modern public culture service system, carry forward Chinese traditional culture, and uphold the national spirit with cultural confidence; the reform of the ecological civilization system breaks the existing interest pattern, from top-level design to comprehensive deployment, from the strictest system to the strictest rule of law, the institutional system is continuously improved, environmental protection inspection, river Innovative measures such as the lake chief system and national parks have been introduced one after another. The development concept that clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The reform of national defense and the army will take the ability to win wars as the logical starting point and core direction of the reform. The people’s army has a new system and structure. New, new layout, new look

Going towards problems and fixing them is the distinctive feature of comprehensively deepening reforms.

Over more than 10 years, reforms have been fully connected and coupled with each other, constantly forming a “chemical reaction” of “1+1>2”, and achieving historic changes in many fields. , systematic reshaping, and overall reconstruction. It took 8 years to win the battle against poverty. 832 impoverished counties across the country and nearly 100 million rural poor people were lifted out of poverty, writing a miracle in the annals of history. More than 1.4 billion Chinese people joined hands to enter a comprehensive moderately prosperous society; from deep sea, deep land to deep In the sky, new Chinese coordinates are constantly marked on the road of innovation; from China’s “Sky Eye” to the spallation neutron source, from quantum information to large aircraft, scientific and technological strength has moved from quantitative accumulation to qualitative leap, and China has entered the ranks of innovative countries. . Be more connected to the world. It has maintained its status as the largest country in goods trade for seven consecutive years and is a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions; it has signed more than 230 cooperation documents on the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” with more than 150 countries and more than 30 international organizations, and continues to China’s new development brings new opportunities to the world.

All development is for the people.

” Driven by the comprehensive deepening of reform, our country has built the world’s largest education system, largest social security system, and largest medical and health system. A historic leap has been achieved in the popularization of education. Basic pension insurance covers 1.07 billion people, and the basic medical insurance participation rate has stabilized at more than 95%. A total of more than 60 million affordable housing units of various types have been built, and the housing conditions of urban and rural residents have been significantly improved. The household registration system has been reformed. Allow 140 million agricultural migrant workers to settle in cities and towns.

In the new era, China relies on comprehensively deepening reforms and expanding opening up. The socialist system with Chinese characteristics has become more mature and finalized, and the level of modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities has been significantly improved. It has written a new chapter in the two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability, providing a more complete institutional guarantee, a more solid material foundation, and more proactive spiritual power for Chinese-style modernization.

The road is long and difficult, but the journey is about to begin. All great achievements are the result of continuous struggle, and all great thingsAll businesses need to be advanced while carrying forward the past and opening up the future. Over thousands of mountains and rivers, we have overcome all obstacles, comprehensively deepened reform, expanded opening up, and embarked on a new era of great prosperity. On the journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, taking comprehensively deepening reforms as an inexhaustible driving force, we will surely write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization!

Feng “My daughter feels the same way, but she feels a little uneasy and scared because of it.” Lan Yuhua said to her mother, looking confused and uncertain. With great strength and high sails, the giant ship China is moving forward towards the grand goal of rejuvenation as a powerful nation!