[New ideas lead a new journey] Write a new chapter for the cause of persons with disabilities in the new era

CCTV News (News Broadcast) : General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that allowing the disabled people to live and work in peace and contentment, have no worries about food and clothing, and live a happy and beautiful life is an important manifestation of our party’s purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly and an inevitable requirement of our country’s socialist system. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the basic livelihood of disabled people in my country has been stably guaranteed, and the environment and conditions for disabled people to participate equally in social life have been continuously optimized. In the process of Chinese modernization, our country is continuing to improve the social security system and care service system for persons with disabilities, and promote the all-round development of the cause of persons with disabilities.


In the Children’s Welfare Institute of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, disabled children undergo rehabilitation training in the multi-sensory treatment and rehabilitation room. The welfare home recently carried out a systematic digital transformation, providing benefits to children in the district. Speechless. Child welfare organizations provide “samples” in assisting the disabled with technology. On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to Hohhot Children’s Welfare Home to visit the children staying here. He said emotionally that the whole society must have a heart of kindness and care for children, especially orphans and disabled children. , work together to enable them to grow up healthily and feel the warmth of the socialist family.

The cause of persons with disabilities is the “cause of spring”. General Secretary Xi Jinping has always paid special attention to and paid special attention to persons with disabilities. He pointed out that party committees and governments at all levels must attach great importance to the cause of persons with disabilities and regard promoting the cause of persons with disabilities as part of their duties. Responsibility, all construction projects must include the cause of disabled people, and constantly improve the system for protecting the rights and interests of disabled people. It is necessary to improve the social security system and care service system for persons with disabilities, and promote the all-round development of causes for persons with disabilities.


Remember The General Secretary entrusted that work for persons with disabilities has been generally included in party committees and governments’ livelihood matters and annual assessments in various places, and the basic livelihood security network for persons with disabilities has been further developed. As of the end of April this year, 11.863 million people with disabilities in need have enjoyed living subsidies, and 1.4631 million people have received living allowances. Disabled children receive rehabilitation assistance, and the coverage rate of basic rehabilitation services for disabled people has stabilized at more than 85%. my country’s 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have introduced subsidies for assistive devices for disabled people, and many places have promoted the use of high-tech assistive devices. Appliances are included in the subsidy catalog, exoskeleton robots, smart prosthetics, AR glasses that convert sounds into text in real time… A number of technological products to assist the disabled have given the future of the disabled more “Take him, take him down.” “She curled her lips, waved to the maid beside her, and then used her last strength to stare at the son who made her endure the humiliation and want to live.

A barrier-free environment is a necessary condition to ensure that persons with disabilities can participate equally in social life. On September 1 last year, with the implementation of my country’s “Barrier-free Environment Construction Law”, various aspects of work such as barrier-free facilities, barrier-free public services, and information accessibility are accelerating. As of the end of March this year, my country has completed barrier-free renovations for 914,700 families with severe disabilities, exceeding 80% of the total tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan. With the cooperation of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate promotes public interest litigation on barrier-free environment construction across the country. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology launched a special operation to transform nearly 3,000 websites and mobile software into age-appropriate and barrier-free formats. All regions have comprehensively carried out digital literacy and skills training for disabled people.


Education is related to the future of people with disabilities. As of the end of 2023, there were 2,345 special education schools in our country. There are 912,000 students in school, and the enrollment rate of children with disabilities in compulsory education reaches over 96%. The level of integrated education continues to improve, and more and more disabled children are entering ordinary schools to grow up with their able-bodied classmates. Nearly 100,000 disabled students have entered colleges and universities to study. At Hangzhou University of Dianzi Science and Technology, Shao Zhenwei, who has suffered from spinal muscular atrophy since childhood, is leading the team to promote the application of their self-developed multi-modal large models in more scenarios to help people with mobility issues.Take things and put things away.

As of the end of 2023, my country has a total of 1.888 million volunteers to assist the disabled, and 27.76 million disabled persons have been assisted. This year, the China Disabled Persons’ Federation will also cooperate with the Communist Youth League Central Committee and other units to carry out volunteer service activities such as the “Youth Volunteers Sunshine Action to Help the Disabled”, and strive to create a good social trend of supporting the disabled.

“Is there a third reason?”